“I should be more motivated!” Ever said that? “Just get motivated and you’ll do better.”…
AR{yxGW44eAugust 15, 2023
Some people seem to have more -- more successes, more opportunities. They seem to be…
AR{yxGW44eJune 20, 2023
Remember the fable about the tortoise and the hare? Well, the tortoise who went slowly…
AR{yxGW44eJune 6, 2023
What does change mean to you? Does it conjure up dreams and desires or should’s…
AR{yxGW44eApril 25, 2023
Imagine a perfect day of sailing in calm, blue waters, powered by the wind or…
Daphne E. Figueroa, Ph.D.May 13, 2022
Remember when learning was great fun? When you had more questions than answers? Maybe it…
Daphne E. Figueroa, Ph.D.April 14, 2022
Are you normal? Do you forget where things are, dates you meant to keep, tasks…
Daphne E. Figueroa, Ph.D.March 17, 2022