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What does change mean to you?  Does it conjure up dreams and desires or should’s and dread?  Are you thinking “what if …” or “it won’t”?  For me, changing even the things I want to can put me on a swing – sometimes eager ups and sometimes stomach falling downs.  But, when it goes south, there are tools for that!

Words matter!  Change the script and you change the story.  So, when thoughts of tomorrow aren’t inspiring, edit the dialogue.  Instead of a big permanent overhaul, we can think of “change” as a possibility, a shift, a revision or – my personal favorite – an experiment that can be abandoned. 

When “change” signals massive differences, we can quell the physical nerves with the smallest possible action that’s easy, do-able.  Then to handle the self-doubt, we can look to friends and coaches who see it differently and cast a totally different spell.

Bottom line — change is more about the thoughts, tools, and actions that move the needle than our first reactions. 

How can a coach help with that?

First reactions to change are often negative resistance.  And that is to be expected. After all, the brain has one main job – to keep us safe.  So, it’s logical that it sends out warnings not to risk changing.

Here’s where a coach makes the difference.  An objective and expert guide can help you revise your internal script.  That worrisome new job, lifestyle revision, learning challenge, or transformation can become an adventure.

A coaching dialogue is a no risk reflection, a thinking about your thinking opportunity.  It will help you revise assumptions, errors and omissions, and dooms day imaging.  You’ll replace those with clarity about your goals, what’s reasonable, and doable action steps.  In addition, you’ll have a personal guide to revise it all as needed. 

Coaching will help you change automatic reactions and emotions to pro-active steps to realization.  It makes your thoughtful mind the director of your experience.  And that’s your most powerful change agent!

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About the United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA)

The USDLA, a 501(c) 3 non-profit association formed in 1987, reaches 20,000 people globally with sponsors and members operating in and influencing 46% of the $913 billion. U.S. education and training market. USDLA promotes the development and application of distance learning for education and training and serves the needs of the distance learning community by providing advocacy, information, networking, and opportunity. Distance learning and training constituencies served include pre-K-12 education, home schooling, higher education, and continuing education, as well as business, corporate, military, government, and telehealth markets.